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How To Choose The Right Hosting Plan For Your Websites!

A lot of times we dont really know if we are using the right hosting plan, if we are paying extra or if we are giving insufficient resources to our website. Lets try to analyse things in detail.

Static Product/Company websites

This is the most common website size of small and medium companies. They are often just a few pages or a single page website. These websites mostly do not attract hell a lot of traffic and is not updated often. These companies would use emails to communicate with clients and customers, so its vital that emails are not ending up on spam. A minimal shared hosting plan would be the best fit for these websites.


* Shared Hosting
* SSD Drives
* 100% Email delivery
* Fast Server Response
* Daily Backups

Corporate Websites

These are companies which have a medium to large size businesses. The companies would be often using a frontend website and a backend portal. The websites are most likely to be dynamic as well. These websites will generate a good amount of traffic and backend usage, so its important that the websites are equipped with the right servers. If the website has a traffic less than 1000 hits per hour, the user can consider for a Shared Cloud Hosting plan. But if the website is generating more than 1000 hits per hour the user can opt for a cloud server. Its important to host in cloud along with failover options, as these companies cannot afford a downtime.

The corporate companies will use high amount of emails, so its vital that they are highly secure and stable. The users can consider Business Email, G-Suite or Zoho as they are some of the best in the market.


* Cloud Hosting
* SSD Drives
* Server Caching
* Corporate Emails
* Failover Availablity
* Hourly Backups

E-Commerce Websites

The E-commerce websites generally are high load consuming websites. The number of queiries that hit the database back and forth are a lot. The website must be equipped with a beast to ensure that it serves the visitor instantly. There are quite a lot of options ranging from AWS, Azure, Owncloud and more. The website owner can go with any of these but its essential that he is ready to handle any kind of traffic at any point of time, also a strong backup plan as well. We recommend having a cloud solution with servers for caching, Database, static contents separately and all sites included with a disaster recovery platform.


* Cloud Servers
* Load Balancing
* Auto-Scalling
* Frontend Firewall
* SSD Drives
* 15 minutes backup options
* Disaster Recovery options

Still confused about the plan to choose ? Give a shout out to us today and we can provide free consultation to help you choose the right plan for your website.

Suresh Kumar
Linux Specialist

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